Phase 2, what to do?

Posted by Comics Place on

Whatcom county recently entered Phase 2 of the governor's stay home, stay healthy order, and people understandably want to know when we'll be open to the public.

The short answer is "we don't know yet, but not super soon." Running a store like this is a delicate balance. To let you in on a little secret, comics have a pretty slim margin, and we aren't confident that being open is the best move for this banana stand. And with the world in such an uncertain place, we have to be very careful with how we use our resources. Plus it doesn't seem ethical to encourage people to come out shopping during a pandemic for something we can just as easily bring to their door in a no-contact manner.

Right now, we are focused on offering the best delivery we can, and keeping our website up to date so everyone can order their comics and games painlessly.

Coming soon, we will likely add some pickup options (during limited hours and on limited days), possibly in-store visits by appointment only for you back issue hounds, and maybe even some video chat personal shopping.

Trust us, we miss you. And we would rather be open than closed. But from a health standpoint and a financial standpoint, we're asking you to be patient while we act cautiously in order to guarantee we are here for the nerd community for years to come.

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  • Thanks for the update! As you’ve stated, safety is paramount and no need to rush without good reason. Appreciate the delivery/pickup options and the podcast entertainment. Comics Place is absolutely the very best Comic Place I’ve purchased from, hands down. That’s no small feat from a guy who’s been buying comics for I’ve 50 years. Stay safe!

    Rob Scofidio on

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