Comics Place - Now what?

Posted by Comics Place on

Governor Inslee just announced a temporary closure of a lot of businesses, including ours. We aren't 100% positive what we'll be able to do or not do to get comics in your hands in the next few weeks, but we're brainstorming and researching the safest, most responsible and legal options.

First thing's first: Effective immediately, we are not offering curbside pickup. If you have an order waiting for you to pick it up, we'll deliver it to you. But please don't come down to get it. We won't be answering our door any more. In other words STAY HOME!

If you want this Wednesday's comics (the last week of shipped weekly comics for a while, according to Diamond Comics), please place your orders by midnight on Tuesday, March 24. We'll fill orders and deliver them to you before the governor's Stay Home Order goes into place. Ordering earlier is better, and we'll be delivering as close to first ordered, first delivered as possible (but let's be real, geography will be the real paradigm). You can order anything in stock through this here website, and you can browse and pay for Wednesday's comics here. We plan to deliver some Wednesday comics on Tuesday evening, so you might get to read your comics early!

We don't know exactly what the rules will be for delivery after Wednesday, so stock up on whatever you think you'll need for the next 2 weeks. If you need something that's not on the website, please let us know, and we'll add it as quickly as possible. Please be patient, as this takes time, and we're running short on that at the moment.

Please keep an eye on this space to find out what our future delivery schedules will be.

Also, after Tuesday, please feel free to place orders on the site for delivery as soon as we are able.

If you have the urge to support us even more (and you've all already been so generous), we have website gift certificates, and shop credits (to be used when we're open again) that you can buy. You can see those items here. We don't expect you to do this, but it's always appreciated.

You've all been so supportive and kind and patient as we navigate these weird waters. We can't think you enough.

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  • You all rock! I’m placing my order tonight!

    Garritt on

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