Comics Place COVID-19 policies
Posted by Django Bohren on
Cripes, this pandemic is making things weird, isn't it? Talk about darkest timeline! Or, at least a medium dark timeline. Hopefully we'll get our flying cars before the robots turn us all into batteries, right? Anyway, here are our current COVID-19 protocols. Thank you in advance for helping to protect the kids who shop at our store as well as our staff and their families. If you can't wear a mask, just place an order over the phone or on our website and then pull up in our loading zone and call the shop during our business hours. We'll run your order out to you!...
Free Comic Book Day 2021 is August 14 and 15, and vaccinations are required for anyone over 12
Posted by Django Bohren on
And we're back!
Posted by Django Bohren on
Holy Moley We've Missed Everyone! Comics Place is about to open for in-store shopping, in-store buying, in-store hanging-out, in-store whatever! The key word being IN-STORE!!! Are we entirely ready? Well, no, if we were waiting for that it could be another 6 months (In classic Comics Place fashion). As you read this, we've dusted off the keyboards, turned on the lights, counted in the tills, and started up the no-swears playlist for the first time in nearly a year and a half! And it's none to soon, because even though our doors have been closed, comics did not stop coming out....
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- Tags: COVID-19, Store Hours
DC left Diamond. What does that mean for you?
Posted by Comics Place on
This week, DC Comics announced that they're leaving Diamond, the main comic book distributor, for greener distribution pastures. We've heard a lot of people worried about how that will change their subscriptions, and wondering what kind of delays to expect for DC books. If you buy your comics at Comics Place, you hopefully won't see a huge change in anything. We will be ordering our DC comics from the new distributors, and other than the usual damaged and missing comics that we deal with behind the scenes every week, we don't expect this change to impact you much.HOW CAN YOU MAKE THIS EASIER FOR...
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- Tags: dc comics, diamond, subscriptions
Phase 2, what to do?
Posted by Comics Place on
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- Tags: COVID-19, Store Hours