The Silver Surfer 1968 #18 - 6.5 - $32.00

The Silver Surfer 1968 #18 - 6.5 - $32.00


Approximate grade : 6.5
Inventory location : .......4
Series code : BI1872
Stock type : Key Issue
Title : The Silver Surfer 1968

Arriving back on Earth, the Silver Surfer finds himself at odds with the Inhumans due to the machinations of Maximus.

Ad for model of Snoopy in his Sopwith Camel bi-plane.

On-sale date from 1970 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress with a correction factor of plus 28 days.

  • ...The Unbeatable Inhumans! - According to a letter from Herb Trimpe dated 1998 he states that Kirby provided either layouts or complete pencils, adding: "I can say for sure I inked this particular cover". Nick Caputo notes that per Mark Evanier, Kirby never provided cover layouts. It's likely that Trimpe mis-remembered and it was Marie Severin who did the layout (Marie provided most cover roughs for other artists in this period). Nick adds that the background figures all look like Trimpe figures and while the Surfer and Black Bolt look Kirbyesque, the musculature of the Surfer in particular is much thinner that Kirby depicts him (see interior story).
  • - Inside front cover. Ad for a catalog of mail order novelty items from the Johnson Smith Co.
  • To Smash the Inhumans! - Although the next issue is called for on the last page, this is the final issue of the series.
  • Snoopy Strikes Again! - Between story pages 3 and 4.
  • - On upper portion of page, between story pages 6 and 7.
  • - Ad for Marvel super-hero posters, on lower half of page between story pages 6 and 7.
  • Famous Name Prizes or Cash - Ad for Olympic Sales Club, Inc. soliciting salespeople for greeting cards. Appears between story pages 6 and 7.
  • - Ad for Joe Weider muscle-building products. Appears between story pages 9 and 10.
  • - A series of thumbnail advertisements for a range of products, including stamps and back-issue comics, on lower portion of page beneath story half-page numbered 12.
  • - A series of thumbnail advertisements for a range of products, including back-issue comics, on lower portion of page beneath story half-page numbered 13.
  • - Ad for the Academy for Home Study, between story pages 15 and 16.
  • - Ad for Columbia Record Club. Some text is in yellow. Appears between story pages numbered 18 and 19.
  • Classified Ads - Classified Ads.
  • - Half-page ad for selling newspapers by the Grit Publishing Co. Located on lower portion of page.
  • Lesson One: How to Fill a Page When You've Nothing to Say! - Includes: Items; Stan's Soapbox. Located on upper portion of page.
  • The Comic-Mag Event of the '70's!! - House ad for Conan the Barbarian (Marvel, 1970 Series), with two spot illustrations, and advertised as "On Sale Soon!". Located on lower half of page.
  • - Letters from: Art Smith, Frank Johnson, and Rick Howe. Includes ?Know Ye These, the Hallowed Ranks of Marvel.?
  • - Ad for the Famous Artists School.
  • - Inside back cover. Ad for the American Basic Science Club, Inc.
  • - Back cover. Ad to sell greeting cards to earn money.

Our modern back issues are roughly graded at 8.0 or above, Bronze and Silver-age issues are roughly 6.5 or better (usually better) unless an issue is noted as a reader. Readers are not guaranteed to be in any condition above 3.5. Please contact us if you have any questions about specific condition of a back issue. All images used are stock images unless otherwise noted.

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