Justice League America #29 Direct ed. - back issue - $3.00
Ad for game from Ultragames.
Ted Kord is still under some sort of hypnosis from an encounter with the Queen Bee, and Nabu is brought in to save his life. Meanwhile, Barda's car and the Mega-Rod in its trunk are stolen.
Ad for game from Taito America Corporation.
Ad for bubble bath.
Ad for Acclaim Remote game controller.
Ad for mail order comics.
Ad for 1989 comic book convention schedule.
Ad for various comic book stores around the US.
Ad for mail order comic books.
Ad for mail order comics.
Classified ads for: body building, comic books, American Heart Association, games, posters, and stamps.
Ad for phone ordering of games for Nintendo systems.
Ad for games from Capcom USA, Inc.
- Girls, Girls, Girls - Cover inks credit from solicitation and also listed on letters page of this issue.
- Turn Your House into a Sewer - inside front cover
- Nabu in My Mind - Little Annie Fannie is recognizable as one of the women in Ted Kord's mind.
- Take No Prisoners - between pages 4-5 of story
- Mr. Bubble's Tub Tales... - between pages 4-5 of story
- The Power to Move! - between pages 8-9 of story
- Yours Free of Charge! - between pages 8-9 of story
- Comic Book Conventions! - between pages 16-17 of story
- Headquarters for Batman - between pages 16-17 of story
- Visit NEC's Newest Location in Coolidge Corner! - between pages 16-17 of story
- Write for Our Huge Catalog! - between pages 20-21 of story
- Write Right Now! - Between pages 20-21 of story. For advertising rates write "Print Advertising Representatives, Inc."
- - Letters from: Nick Baynes, Janine Coles, K.M. Mathews, Neil Alquist, Charles Sperlind, Simon Delmonte, Russ Bedell, and Steve Jordan, with replies and a next issue promo.
- Video Games Just Got Easier to Order! - inside back cover
- Get Set for Radical Action - back cover
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