In-Store Auctions

Comics Place Auctions
When we have auctions in our shop, we approach the event as a way to give our local and loyal customers a chance to get their hands on a really special comic. The auction policies we’ve detailed below are designed with that goal in mind.
By placing a bid, you agree to follow these rules that will help us ensure everyone has a chance to own this piece of history.
All bids are final, so please be sure you’re ready to buy at the price you bid.
Your bid price does not include sales tax. Sales tax of 8.7% will be added to the winning bid.
Your first bid must be placed in person at Comics Place. Subsequent bids may be emailed to If you do not recieve a response within one business day, please call 360.733.2224 during Comics Place business hours to confirm your bid has been recieved and recorded.
While the item has a leading bid of less than $1,999, minimum bid increments are $25
If the item has a leading bid between $2,000 and 2,999, minimum bid increments are $50.
If the item has a leading bid above $3,000, minimum bid increments are $75.
The auction is scheduled to end Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 9pm. However, if a bid is placed on February 29, bidding will be extended for one business day. Each subsequent day on which a bid is placed will extend the auction though the following day’s business hours of Comics Place (see hours at This is to ensure that nobody has the auction sniped at the last minute.
Payment may be made via cash or credit/debit card. Store credit or trade-ins will not be accepted as payment for this item.
Cash payments in full within 7 days of the end of the auction will recieve a 1% discount.
We will accept payments on a winning bid. In order to make payments, you must put 50% of your winning bid down, and agree to pay the remaining 50% in two equal installments. The first within 15 days of your initial installment, and the second within 30 days of your initial installment. If you do not make those payments, half of your initial pamyent will be forefit to Comics Place, and the auction item will be offered to the next highest bidder.
You can have your comic once payment is completed.
This auction is for pickup only. We will not be shipping this item.