Doctor Strange 1968 #179 - 7.0 - $35.00
Strange and Spider-Man battle Xandu, who has the Wand of Watoomb.
Send for free booklet on how to finish high school at home.
Ad for U.S. coin catalog.
Advertisement for miscellaneous gag items, e.g., an exploding fountain pen.
On-sale date from 1969 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
- The Wondrous World of Doctor Strange! - Possible Grainger inks per Nick Caputo, June 2012.
- - Inside front cover. Ad for the "007" Twister from Joe Weider.
- - Ad for booklet telling you how to play the piano, accordion, or guitar. Located between story pages 3 and 4.
- - Promo for inflatable Spider-Man and Thor plastic pillows. $1.50 each plus 15 cents postage. Also Marvel super-hero t-shirts featuring Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Thor, and the Hulk. $2.00 each including postage. And The Merry Marvel Marching Society Membership Kit for $1.00. Two mail-in coupons: Marvel Comics Group (Dept. PP or Dept. AJ) 625 Madison Ave., N.Y.C., N.Y 10022.. Located between story pages 6 and 7.
- - Between story pages 6 and 7.
- - Ad, with response coupon, from Grit Publishing Co. located between story pages 9 and 10, on top half of page.
- - Between story pages 9 and 10, on lower half of page.
- Missile Tank - Located between story pages 15 and 16, on top half of page.
- - Three small ads on lower half of page, between story pages 15 and 16.
- Shop by Mail - Various thumbnail advertisements for various products including stamps, novelties and comic books, located between story pages 18 and 19.
- - Includes: Stan's Soapbox; Items; The Mighty Marvel Checklist
- - Occupies top half of page.
- - Occupies lower half of page.
- - Letters Of Comment from Donald F. McGregor, Roy Ellis, Martin Levin, F. James Mohl, A/C Robert L. McAuley, Jr., Rich Shanklin, and Arthur Metz; includes Know Ye These, the Hallowed Ranks of Marveldom.
- - On top portion of page.
- - House ad for Marvel Super-Heroes (Marvel, 1967 series) #19 featuring Ka-Zar, on lower portion of page.
- - Inside back cover. Ad to earn money by selling greeting cards.
- - Back cover. Ad for the Famous Artists School.
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