The Uncanny X-Men 1981 #172 Direct ed. - back issue - $5.00
The X-Men show up in Japan for Wolverine's wedding and Wolverine isn't happy to see newest member, Rogue. Wolverine and Nightcrawler help Yukio battle the Silver Samurai who is lurking about. Wolverine explains to Storm that Mariko's father was deeply involved in organized crime and he plans on cleaning up Clan Yashida. Viper sneaks in and poisons the X-Men. Mariko has a meeting with Silver Samurai who turns out to be her half-brother. Storm and Yukio rescue her from the Samurai and Viper. Hearing of the attack, Wolverine decides to go after the Samurai and Rogue asks to tag along.
On-sale date from Amazing Heroes #24, with newsstand on-sale date of 1983-05-10.
- Scarlet in Glory - Continued from Wolverine (Marvel, 1982 series) #4. In a "what is she talking about" moment, Rogue tells Wolverine that the poison wasn't as effective on her as she is "half-alien." (undoubtedly a reference to the Ms. Marvel powers and memories she took from Carol Danvers - Rogue occasionally calls herself a "Kree warrior" when the Danvers personality surfaces).
- - The Hype Box, The Mighty Marvel Checklist.
- - Letters from: Big Jim Shooter, T.N. Fisher, Stephanie Dea, Lawrence M. Schoen, Michelle Head, Suzy Peterson, and Richard Blair. Includes a small illustration of Ariel and Lockheed from page 17 panel 1 of The Uncanny X-Men (Marvel, 1981 series) #168, supposedly the writers of the replies to the letters.
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