The X-Men 1963 #59 - 5.5 - $45.00
With Larry Trask revealed to be a mutant, the Sentinels refuse to obey him anymore as they continue to capture mutants and prepare to kill them. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, and Beast mount an offensive to rescue their captured friends. Scott, Jean, and Hank disguise themselves as Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Toad as they battle the Sentinels. Cyclops tricks the Sentinels into flying into the sun. They rescue Havok, but he is injured.
On-sale date from 1969 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress with a correction factor of plus 28 days.
- The Last X-Man - Tom Palmer inks per Steve Whitaker, Carl Gafford and Bob Ford (uncertain); Neal Adams per the original indexer and Nick Caputo. Adams is also credited with inks in The Marvel Comics Index (Olshevsky 1981), The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (Olshevsky 1987), The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (Ward 1994), and Official Index to the Marvel Universe (Vandal et al. 2009).
- - Inside front cover. Ad for a variety of novelty items from the Johnson Smith Company.
- Do or Die, Baby! - Sources for particularization of script credits are The Marvel Comics Index (Olshevsky 1981), The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (Olshevsky 1987), The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (Ward 1994), and Official Index to the Marvel Universe (Vandal et al. 2009).
- Batty Bulletins to Bewilder, Bewitch, and Bedazzle You! - This sequence appears after page 6 of the "Do or Die, Baby!" feature. Includes Stan's Soapbox and the "Mighty Marvel Checklist."
- - Letters from Jeffrey Siegel, J. Randolph Cox, Frank D. Carey, Max Kerpelman, Henry Mioduszewski, and Eddie Johnson.
- - Ad for the Famous Artists School.
- - Inside back cover. Ad for the American Basic Science Club, Inc.
- - Back cover. Ad to sell greeting cards for Wallace Brown, Inc.
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