Tales to Astonish 1959 #92 - back issue - $9.00
When a passing ship dumps a radioactive barrel into Namor's realm, he realizes the danger it poses and takes it far away from Atlantis to throw it into a deep crevasse. Little does he know that the radiation in the barrel has awakened an ancient monster who begins to menace both the surface world and the world beneath the waves alike. Thinking the monster another surface threat, Namor begins to battle it as a nearby submarine, who is also tracking the radioactive creature, begins firing torpedoes at the both of them.
Betty bemoans her loss of Bruce. Bruce, in disguise, bemoans his circumstances, then transforms into Hulk who flees his hotel room in typical Hulk fashion - through the wall. Outside, Hulk sees a 'flying saucer' and leaps to bring it down so the aliens can take him far from Earth. What he brings down is not a saucer but the mighty Silver Surfer!
On-sale date from 1967 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
- It Walks Like a Man! - In correspondence with Dan Adkins Oct 2012 he mailed a letter and among other items enclosed was a photo copy of the published cover for Tales to Astonish (1959 series) #92. He wrote that Don Heck penciled the cover, and he inked, but that he was asked to redraw the Sub-Mariner figure. ?My favorite art by Don Heck. The inks are mine and I was asked to re-draw Subby. This was for my first Marvel story. The new Subby figure, by me has a fist and looks more mad than Don?s Subby. But the power and the mood is in the figure by Don.?
- Dazzling Data, Dizzy Dispatches, and Dangerous Declarations of Rather Dubious Distinction! - Items; Stan's Soapbox (first appearance); The Wrap-Up; The Mighty Marvel Checklist; Let's Meet 26 More M.M.M.S. Members!
- - Letters from Marc Milliman and John Veasey Jr.; M.M.M.S. membership form.
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