Strange Tales 1973 #181 Regular Edition - 6.5 - $12.00
On sale date from the Comic Reader #118.
- 1000 Clowns! - Dedicated to Steve Ditko. This is a spoof, somewhat serious, on the Marvel editorial policy of the day with visual and textual references to Stan Lee, John Romita, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman and Roy Thomas. It also contains a couple of Starlin's "dirty jokes." Storyline is continued in Warlock #9.
- Buy This Book ? Or Hulk will Smash! - Between story pages 12 and 13. Promo ad for Marvel Treasury Edition (Marvel, 1974 series) #5.
- - Between story pages 16 and 17. Includes Stan Lee's soapbox; Items.
- Captain Marvel in The Big Bang!! - Hostess Twinkies ad between story pages 16 and 17.
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