Strange Tales 1951 #151 - 3.5 - $20.00
Fury lands in Karnopolis and is defeated by a squad of robots. Stripped of his gadget-laden clothes Fury faces the new Supreme Hydra, who tells of Hydra's plans to use the Overkill Horn to detonate nuclear weapons worldwide and emerge as the new rulers of earth. Dugan, upset by Fury's order to launch an H-Missile to destroy HYDRA's weapon (and thus Fury) tries to save his buddy, but is stopped when Gabe shoots him in the shoulder. Fury escapes on a HYDRA jet, unaware the Overkill Horn is on board the plane. As Sitwell prepares to destroy the aircraft, Fury realizes the radio isn't working.
Umar uses the "Lamp Of Lucifer" to learn of events during her long imprisonment. She is stunned to learn her brother was defeated by Dr. Strange, and though she & Dormammu hated each other, she still vows to avenge him. Back in NYC, Strange conjures "wealth without measure" so Wong need never again concern him with money matters. To lure Strange into a trap, Umar casts Clea into a void between dimensions. No sooner does he sense her danger, then Strange as well is hurled into another dimension as well...
Indicia moves from inside front cover to page one. On-sale date from 1966 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
- Overkill! - Part 2 of 9. The new Supreme Hydra reveals that he had previously masqueraded as The Grand Imperator of "THEM" (A.I.M.), and that Supreme Hydra is his true identity, the first indication that he had been the real behind-the-scenes architect of HYDRA all along. The plot to cause nuclear fallout while those responsible sit it out underground is similar to that in the Matt Helm film THE SILENCERS (1966). Jim Steranko's first work for Marvel.
- Earth-Shattering Essays, Eloquent Epithets, and Exaggerated Endorsements Which You Can Easily Live Without! - Items; The Mighty Marvel Checklist; Let's Meet 26 More M.M.M.S. Members!
- Umar Strikes! - Part 5 of 22; Part 1 of Umar sequence. Several flashback panels based closely on Steve Ditko panels (redrawn by Everett). Notes on the margins of the original art indicate Stan Goldberg handled the color work for this story.
- - Letters of comment from Jeff Wieselberg; Brock Stimson; John Miller; and Anthony Riche. Also includes Merry Marvel Marching Society info and coupon.
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