Strange Tales #164 - 8.0 - $33.00
Hurling thru the void of space, Strange sees a vision of Victoria Bentley, surrounded by machinery. He lands on a jungle planet inhabited by savage, monstrous creatures. Strange finds an underground cavern, and inside it, an elaborate machine, from which emits a mental challenge. Yandroth, Scientist Supreme, claims to have unlocked the "inner-most secrets of the cosmos", and intends to make Victoria his queen-- to rule many planets, including, eventually, Earth. Strange refuses to depart, and realizes a challenge of science vs. magic awaits him...
At the instant the Claw fired The Ultimate Annihilator at Fury Suwan teleports him thru Hyper-Dimensional Space to the underground lair and then back to SHIELD. In his lair The Claw tests the Ultimate Annihilator by destroying a satellite in orbit. SHIELD medics warn Fury that further stimulation could be fatal. Fury follows a tip and invisibly trails a Claw agent leading him to The Claw & Voltzmann. Fury discovers he's on board The Sky Dragon, a huge airship miles above the city. Captured, Fury is tied under the Ultimate Annihilator as The Claw prepares to use it to destroy New York City.
- Nightmare! - Beginning this issue the cover logo is alternated each issue to emphasize that months featured hero, with the co-star's logo minimized.
- Nightmare! - Part 18 of 22; part 1 of Yandroth sequence. Story title misleading; Strange's longtime foe Nightmare does not appear, refers to the "Land Of Nightmares" (as mentioned in previous issue's coming attractions) or "Nightmare Planet" (on this episode's last page). 1st appearance of Yandroth, Scientist Supreme; continues the trend of science-fiction themes in Dan Adkins' stories. Beginning this issue, lead stories alternate to match alternating covers.
- When Comes... Black Noon! - In the introduction to Marvel Masterworks: Nick Fury Agent of Shield Volume 2 Steranko says he took over the color chores with Strange Tales # 165 although the earlier checklist in Comic Book Marketplace # 28, October 1995, credits him with coloring beginning with # 157. Part 6 of 9. The "Revive Chamber" is strikingly similar to the one used to heal Luke Skywalker in the film THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980). Ernst Stavro Blofeld would use a laser to destroy satellites in orbit in the 007 film, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1971).
- Who Says This Isn't the Marvel Age of Batty Bulletins? - Stan's Soapbox, Items, The Mighty Marvel Checklist
- - Letters of comment from Loren MacGregor, John Hoecker, Chuck Turnbull, and Mike Cahlin. Also includes Merry Marvel Marching Society info and coupon.
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