Monsters on the Prowl #9 - reader copy - $5.00
An expedition finds the missing link between apes and humans in Borneo. It is initially hostile, but defends its fellow primates from a dinosaur.
Archaeologist Egon Allov plans to rob the Egyptian pyramid of Neron-Alak of its hidden treasure but he is imprisoned inside it, and releases its long-dead monarch.
An exiled gaseous alien criminal named Kragoom waits in Earth orbit for the first human astronaut in order to enter his body and possess his mind, planning to return to Earth as a conqueror.
- I Discovered Gorgilla! The Monster of Midnight Mountain! - Narrated in the first person. Gorgilla next appears in Where Creatures Roam (Marvel, 1970 series) #5 (March 1971)
- Kraggoom! The Creature Who Caught An Astronaut! - Script added by Bob Bailey, 12 August 2005 (Per Sandell ed.)
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