Marvel Spotlight 1971 #28 25¢ - 5.5 - $55.00
The Moon Knight tries to stop the Conquer-Lord from assassinating the mayor and Marlene is captured during the fight.
On sale date from the Comic Reader #128.
- Enter: The Conquer-Lord! - Background art taken from interior story. Perlin art confirmed in the letters page in Marvel Spotlight #30. Janson inks on Moon Knight figure. Info per Nick Caputo.
- The Crushing Conquer-Lord! - Last previous appearance of Moon Knight was in Werewolf by Night (Marvel, 1972 series) #33. A magical construct or clone of Moon Knight appeared in Werewolf by Night (Marvel, 1972 series) #37, but that wasn't strictly an appearance of the character.
- - Letter from Dean Mullaney.
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