Journey into Mystery 1952 #120 - reader copy - $13.00
Thor repairs his damaged hammer in a furnace in Pittsburgh and then returns the enchanted Norn Stones to Odin in Asgard. Loki, in servitude to Ularic the Warlock, imprisons his new master. Thor returns to Earth to find Blake's surgery has closed and that Jane Foster is missing. He tries to enlist the aid of the Avengers to find her, but discovers that most of his old allies have left the group. Hawkeye's brash attitude offends Thor and he leaves too. Loki, meanwhile, has used Ularic's enchantments to reach into outer space and bring back Thor's old foe, the Absorbing Man. He's not happy!
Thor and his companions set sail on a mission to defeat the forces of evil which threaten Asgard. They go with Odin's blessing but, within minutes, they are brawling amongst themselves. Loki defends Volstagg from Loki's cruelty. Magrat the Schemer wishes to be in favor with Loki and urges Kroda the Duellist to assassinate Thor. Kroda is prevented from doing so by Hogun the Grim and peace returns to the vessel and its crew. Back in Asgard, Odin reflects upon the wisdom of sanctioning such a quest.
On-sale date from 1965 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
- - Inside front cover. Ad for fishing equipment sold by Niresk Discount Sales.
- With My Hammer in Hand...! - Thor was absent during the events of The Avengers #16 in which a new team was assembled. He is therefore surprised to be greeted by new members Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.
- Treasure Chest of Fun - An advertisement for Honor House Products Corporation, between pages 5 and 6 of previous story sequence.
- - Ad for the Commercial Trades Institute, between pages 9 and 10 of previous story sequence.
- More Triumphs for Marvel..! - House ad for Fantastic Four (Marvel, 1961 series) #43, Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel, 1963 series) #29, and Strange Tales (Marvel, 1951 series) #137 using reprints of their covers and advertised as ?now on sale.? Between pages 13 and 14 of previous story sequence.
- - Ad soliciting sellers of Grit newspaper on top half of page between pages 13 and 14 of previous story sequence.
- - Ad for coin catalog and coins from Littleton Coin Co. Appears between pages 13 and 14 of previous story sequence on lower half of page.
- - Ad for Strat-O-Matic baseball game on top half of page.
- Amazing X-Ray Vision Instantly! - Advertisement for X-Ray glasses from Slimline Company, occupying lower half of page.
- Stamps; Shop by Mail - Thumbnail ads for stamps and other products.
- 4 More Marvel Annual Masterpieces - House ad for Fantastic Four Annual (Marvel, 1963 series) #3, Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Marvel, 1964 series) #2, Journey into Mystery Annual (Marvel, 1965 series) #1 and Sgt. Fury Annual (Marvel, 1965 series) #1 using reprints of their covers and advertised as ?now on sale.? Includes another list of 25 members of M.M.M.S..
- Set Sail! - Odinsword Quest Part 3.
- Shop by Mail - Thumbnail ads for stamps and other products, between pages 3 and 4 of previous story sequence.
- The Merry Marvel Bullpen Page! - Advertisements for Marvel Comics Group Official Swingin' Stationery and a Thor T-Shirt includes an image of Don Blake from an earlier issue likely modified by Sol Brodsky.
- - Letters from (and replies to) Mike Gable, Tom Johnston, Tommy Perkins and Steven Russell; includes an advertisement for Journey into Mystery Annual #1, the Thor t-shirt, Marvel Stationery Kit, M.M.M.S. membership form, next issue preview and the Mighty Marvel Checklist for comics on sale right now. Comics listed with a synopsis are Fantastic Four #43, Spider-Man #29, The Avengers #20, X-Men #13, Daredevil #9, Strange Tales #137, Tales of Suspense #70, Tales to Astonish #72, and Sgt. Fury #22.
- Record Riot - Ad for ten records containing sixty hit songs.
- - Inside back cover. Ad for a catalog of surplus items.
- - Back cover. Ad to earn money by selling greeting cards.
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