Journey into Mystery 1952 #108 - 3.0 - $28.00
Thor is called to the aid of Doctor Strange, and as Dr. Blake saves his life after a crippling mystic attack. Loki takes advantage of a misunderstanding between Thor and Odin to come to Earth and kidnap Jane Foster. Thor finds Loki and defeats him, while a grateful Doctor Strange saves Jane.
Advertises the Marvel Tales Annual (Marvel, 1964 series) #1 (1964), Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Marvel, 1964 series) #1 (1964), and Fantastic Four Annual (Marvel, 1963 series) #2 (1964) with covers depicted and advertised as ?now on sale.?
A bookkeeper gives up his fantasies of travel and goes back to handball after a strange encounter with two Indian magicians.
The king of the dwarfs attempts to sell an incognito Thor to the trolls as a slave, and Thor frees all of their captives and destroys their mine.
Issue includes 10 pages of paid advertisements. On-sale date from 1964 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
- - Brodsky cover inks credit from Nick Caputo via GCD Errors list, January 2009. Original indexer credited Chic Stone.
- - Inside front cover. Ad for fishing equipment.
- At the Mercy of Loki, Prince of Evil! - Job number from Tom Lammers and Ger Apeldoorn via the Atlas/Timely discussion group.
- More Triumphs for Marvel..! - Located between pages 5 and 6 of the Thor story.
- - Ad for the Yubiwaza system of self-defense. Between pages 5 and 6 of previous story sequence.
- - Located between pages 10 and 11 of previous story sequence.
- Sell Grit - Ad soliciting sellers of Grit newspaper. On top half of page between pages 13 and 14 of previous story sequence.
- Genuine Shark?s Tooth - Good luck charms from World Wide Specialties. On lower half of page between pages 13 and 14 of previous story sequence.
- - Two small ads from Scott-Mitchell House, for an isometric exerciser and for 100 magnets. On top half of page.
- - Advertisement for Littleton Coin Company's packet of coins and money. On lower half of page.
- Traveling Sam - Text story with illustration. Continues from last issue. Printed between Thor and Tales of Asgard stories. This is the last text story in Journey Into Mystery. Starting next issue a letters page was included instead.
- Stamps; Shop by Mail - Various classified-style ads for stamps and other products.
- Trapped by the Trolls! - Job number from Tom Lammers and Ger Apeldoorn via the Atlas/Timely discussion group.
- My Secret New Dynaflex Method - Ad for a muscle building system.
- - Ad for various novelty items from the Honor House Products Corp. Inside back cover.
- - Ad to earn money by selling the Wallace Brown line of Christmas cards. Back cover.
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