Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan's Jungle Annual #1 - 7.5 - $69.00
Nice quality classic comic. Smells slightly musty.
Tarzan helps a group of Liponans rescue their women, taken by slavers, and then helps them find a new home in the deserted city of Opar.
Tarzan and Boy take a trip to Cathne where Tarzan learns that Prince Jathon has been taken captive by the Athnians. Tarzan rescues the prince.
Instruction for constructing a treehouse.
Boy's hand-written description of his life with Tarzan and Jane.
Tarzan rides his giant eagle, Argus, to Pal-ul-don, only to discover that the torodons have sacked the lands great cities. Tarzan locates the Ho-dons and marshals their and allied forces to retake the cities.
crossword puzzle
A rebus.
Boy, experimenting with riding zebras, is attacked by a lion and rescued by his mangani friend, Thorak.
A map of the Pal-ul-don and its environs.
Diamond smugglers plan to use a collar, placed on a captive baboon, as the place of concealment for their illegal goods. The baboon has other ideas.
Sheet music for a jungle chant.
A cut-out mask.
- - Art credits from Richard Richmond, via the GCD Error Tracker (http://errors.comics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6314), 12 March 2011.
- - inside front cover
- Tarzan Returns to Opar - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
- Tarzan Fulfills a Promise - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010). The job numbers appears on the sixth page of the story.
- Tarzan Brings Aid to A-lur - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010). Job number is on the second page of the story.
- Ala to Zu-Kut - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
- Boy Rides into Trouble - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
- Chako and the Collar of Shame - Lettering identification by Alberto Becattini (December 2010).
- Jungle Chants - inside back cover
- - Back cover.
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