The Last Bus Home #1A

The Last Bus Home #1A

  • $8.00
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Date first in stock : 20220610
Itemid : 298963
Publisher : JJ Comics

In the back of a city bus someone who wasn’t there a second ago now is. He is tall, lanky, and his face is concealed by a bright orange pumpkin mask. When the bus stops, he gets out and shakes a magic eight ball he kept in his bag but asks it no question. From the blood red water inside a golden arrow points down the street. The tall figure follows its order shaking the ball again as he walks in preparation for the crossroads. This figure is Sammy, he is not quite alive but not quite dead, and he is on the hunt.

Across town in a small room sits a statue of mismatched parts on a pedestal. The upper body of a gorilla, wings of a bat, lower body of a lion, and tail of a viper; this gargoyle yearns for release, to be free and experience life. The room is quiet with one exception the ticking of a clock that sits above the gargoyle…except it isn’t keeping the time it is counting down, and it just reached zero. From above a vat of golden blood rains down on the gargoyle, but it doesn’t flow off the statue instead it is absorbed. There is a crack, then another, and another. The gargoyle steps off the pedestal as monster takes it’s first breath. Golden eyes observe the pedestrians who walk past. Soon the beast is on the roof of the building, and it sees a city full of life. It wants more of that life. Feeling a pull in four directions the gargoyle’s mismatched parts separate and the golden blood forms what was missing. Unspoken orders are followed as the pieces of the gargoyle move out. It is on the hunt.

Before the night is done these two nightmares will meet and only one will survive who will it be, and why do they fight?

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