Criminal #1 - back issue - $7.00
Meet Leo, who can plan the perfect heist... but only if he can be convinced the job is safe enough. Leo is not a shoot-first think-later guy; Leo is a professional. But to some criminals, even professionals, the right payout is worth almost any risk. So when an old friend and a crooked cop approach with a plan to seize millions of dollars in contraband from an evidence transport van, Leo must make tough choices, knowing there's nothing you can trust less in this world than a cop on the take.
Brubaker welcomes the reader to the first issue and encourages future sales with the promise of a "not the average comic book."
Written in the first person by the character in "The Criminal" storyline: Jake "Gnarly" Brown. Brown begins a tale reminiscent of Crime Noir describing the ongoings in his bar, The Undertow.
- - Wraparound cover.
- Coward - The indicia information is located on the inside front cover, which is the title page of the story itself. The inside front cover and first page of the comic is a two-page spread of the title of the story. I've decided these two pages are components to the entire story.
- There Ought To Be A Law! - Editorial showcases the works of Sean Phillips and Ed Brubaker in the series SLEEPER Volumes 1-4 with four small photo captions of the covers to these volumes.
- Caught in the Undertow - A few pencilled sketches abound both pages.
- Promotional Advertisement - Powers: the Definitive Hardcover Collection (trade paperback, ICON/Marvel Comics)
- Advertisements - Ka-Blam Printing on Demand (service, Indy Planet); The Walking Dead (trade paperbacks, Image comics)
- Testimonials - Back cover (a portion of the full wraparound) contains testimonials by David S. Goyer, Charlie Huston and Kurt Busiek.
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