Criminal #1 - back issue - $7.00

Criminal #1 - back issue - $7.00


Approximate grade : back issue
Publisher : Marvel
Series code : BI20108
Stock type : Back Issue
Title : Criminal 2006

Meet Leo, who can plan the perfect heist... but only if he can be convinced the job is safe enough. Leo is not a shoot-first think-later guy; Leo is a professional. But to some criminals, even professionals, the right payout is worth almost any risk. So when an old friend and a crooked cop approach with a plan to seize millions of dollars in contraband from an evidence transport van, Leo must make tough choices, knowing there's nothing you can trust less in this world than a cop on the take.

Brubaker welcomes the reader to the first issue and encourages future sales with the promise of a "not the average comic book."

Written in the first person by the character in "The Criminal" storyline: Jake "Gnarly" Brown. Brown begins a tale reminiscent of Crime Noir describing the ongoings in his bar, The Undertow.

  • - Wraparound cover.
  • Coward - The indicia information is located on the inside front cover, which is the title page of the story itself. The inside front cover and first page of the comic is a two-page spread of the title of the story. I've decided these two pages are components to the entire story.
  • There Ought To Be A Law! - Editorial showcases the works of Sean Phillips and Ed Brubaker in the series SLEEPER Volumes 1-4 with four small photo captions of the covers to these volumes.
  • Caught in the Undertow - A few pencilled sketches abound both pages.
  • Promotional Advertisement - Powers: the Definitive Hardcover Collection (trade paperback, ICON/Marvel Comics)
  • Advertisements - Ka-Blam Printing on Demand (service, Indy Planet); The Walking Dead (trade paperbacks, Image comics)
  • Testimonials - Back cover (a portion of the full wraparound) contains testimonials by David S. Goyer, Charlie Huston and Kurt Busiek.

Our modern back issues are roughly graded at 8.0 or above, Bronze and Silver-age issues are roughly 6.5 or better (usually better) unless an issue is noted as a reader. Readers are not guaranteed to be in any condition above 3.5. Please contact us if you have any questions about specific condition of a back issue. All images used are stock images unless otherwise noted.

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