Amazing Adventures 1970 #35 - reader copy - $3.00

Amazing Adventures 1970 #35 - reader copy - $3.00


Approximate grade : reader
Inventory location : .......8
Series code : BI1937
Stock type : Back Issue
Title : Amazing Adventures 1970

Killraven and his freemen encounter a life-form that must spawn in a 24 hour period or go extinct.

  • The Threat of the 24-Hour Man! - Crespi credit per Nick Caputo, August 2012. Original indexer credited Gaspar Saladino.
  • Free 1976 Catalog - 1600 Novelties - Interior front cover advertisement featuring various novelties for mail order.
  • The 24-Hour Man - First appearances and deaths of Emmanuel (the 24-Hour Man) and G'Rath.
  • - Various merchandise advertisements that populate the entire space on the page. These advertising pages are sectioned across the comic book and are not next to one another.
  • Isokinetics - Advertisement for an isokinetic exerciser.
  • Amazing $1 Offer - Advertisement for a set of 10 iron-on transfers. Includes mail in form.
  • - Advertisement for the spicy smoked beef snacks.
  • Make Money Sell Grit - Advertisement for a career in publishing sales for Grit Publishing Co.
  • The Biggest Rock Event of the Decade! - Advertisement for the record album "Reflections of a Super-Hero!" (narrated by Stan Lee, $6.98 for the album and $7.98 for cassette or 8-track tape) using an illustration of Stan Lee and a copy of the album art.
  • - Advertisement for career training in automobile customization.
  • I'll Make You a Master of Karate - Advertisement for home study of karate. Features an offer for a giant, life-like karate practice dummy for only 99 cents.
  • Oz and Marvel Together Again - Advertisement to purchase by mail an issue of Marvel Treasury of Oz featuring the Marvelous Land of Oz #1 (Marvel, 1975).
  • - In house column featuring a listing of titles on sale. Features the covers to Howard the Duck #2 (Marvel, 1976) and The Champions #4 (Marvel, 1976).
  • What Kind of Man Reads Crazy? - Promotional advertisement for the series from Marvel: Crazy.
  • This Says It All!! - Promotional advertisement for Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel, 1976)/
  • $1.00 Brings You Sixteen Muscle Building Courses - Advertisement for a body building training manual.
  • Marvel-Hero Stick-Ons - Advertisement for wall art from Our Way Studios. Includes mail in coupon.
  • Life-Size Movable Hang-Ups! - Advertisement for life-size Movable Hang-Ups pin-ups with movable arms from Our Way Studios. Includes mail coupon.
  • A Kaleidoscope of Kinetic Kibitzing and Kooky Kommentary Kenned to Kindle Your Karma! - In house column featuring Stan Lee's Soapbox, several ITEM listings and a preview of a Marvel character not named. That character is a Jack Kirby creation and introduces Ikaris of the Eternals.
  • Spider-Man and the Cupcake Caper - Advertisement for Hostess Cup Cakes.
  • 100 Pc. Toy Soldier Set $1.50 - Advertisement for toy soldier footlocker set sold by Lucky Products, Inc. Includes mail in form.
  • The Secret of Teaching Yourself Music - Interior back cover advertisement for a home study course in music.
  • Look Who's Smiling Now! - Back cover advertisement for a free booklet and information for a career in management.

Our modern back issues are roughly graded at 8.0 or above, Bronze and Silver-age issues are roughly 6.5 or better (usually better) unless an issue is noted as a reader. Readers are not guaranteed to be in any condition above 3.5. Please contact us if you have any questions about specific condition of a back issue. All images used are stock images unless otherwise noted.

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