Amazing Adventures 1970 #20 Regular Edition - reader copy - $3.00
Killraven and his freemen are captured when they attack LaGuadia airport.
In 'Items' - Savage Tales returns / Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Conan annuals are returning / announces new Crazy Magazine to be issued / Strange Tales to be reissued with #169 featuring Brother Voodoo. Announcement of the passing of Bill Everett, creator of the Sub-Mariner.
House ad for Dracula Lives (Marvel, 1973 series) #3 (October 1973).
On-sale date from The Comic Reader #97, May 1973.
- The Coming of the War-Lord! - Letters credit from Marvel Comics Index No. 8B by George Olshevsky.
- The Warlord Strikes! - Letters credit from Marvel Comics Index No. 8B by George Olshevsky. First appearance of Old Skull (in a cameo, not named until next issue).
- FOOM! - House ad and coupon for FOOM! $2.50 membership includes a giant-size full-color poster, membership card, stick-ons, 1-year subscription to FOOM magazine, surprise envelope.
- - Letters of comments from readers Alan Rothman, Michael R. Appel, Harry Daniels and Thomas O'Connell.
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